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Spread bets and CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. The vast majority of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs / Spread betting with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs / Spread betting work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.
Ai π
The Duke of Edinburgh Cup Sponsorship with Ai π

Ai π 贊助商

Ai π 自豪地宣布贊助 2021 年英國資格賽愛丁堡公爵杯,我們很高興能繼續支持這個知名慈善機構。我們公司熱衷於社會責任,我們致力於支持此類事業。

為什麼 Ai π 成為愛丁堡公爵杯的讚助人


愛丁堡公爵杯是一項起源於英國,現已擴展到全球各個地區的體育賽事。 Ai π 是一家總部位於英國的 FCA 監管公司,公司也在向其他地區擴張,與 DoE 的合作夥伴關係高度兼容。


Ai π 已擴展到全球社區,以積極關心和支持有需要的社會和人們。我們希望與 DoE 杯合作,因為它致力於幫助全世界的年輕人。我們認為照顧和培養下一代非常重要,所以這非常符合 Ai π 的理念。











  • 愛丁堡公爵杯——全國預選賽
  • 邀請賽獎杯 – 給來賓和支持者
  • 巴黎獎杯——面向所有參賽者

比賽將使用史特布爾福德記分法。在“愛丁堡公爵杯”中,Stableford 總淨桿數超過 36 洞的前兩名球員將獲得冠軍和亞軍。在其他兩個同時進行的項目中獲得最高總分的玩家將成為獲勝者。




2022 年英國愛丁堡公爵杯 (DOE Cup, UK)

今年是Ai π第五年贊助愛丁堡公爵杯!以下是比賽的相關日期和亮點
日期 項目
2022 年 9 月 25 日 抵達:溫莎城堡酒店
2022 年 9 月 26 日 2022 年愛丁堡公爵世界杯決賽在
2022 年 9 月 29 日 城堡酒店皇家頒獎晚宴
2022 年 10 月 6 日 2023 年資格賽在 Wentworth 高爾夫俱樂部舉行,隨後舉行抽獎和頒獎晚宴

Royal prize giving dinner- 5

2022 年 9 月 29 日在溫莎城堡酒店宴會廳舉行的頒獎晚宴上,Ai π 團隊受到愛德華王子、威塞克斯伯爵和 Forfar 的歡迎。

Royal prize giving dinner - 4

【從左至右】Weems Chan(Ai π 全球營銷與品牌主管)、Wei Qiang Zhang(Ai π 英國董事總經理)、Ergin Erdemir(Ai π 英國市場總監)、愛德華王子、威塞克斯伯爵、Forfar 殿下交流在晚宴上與 Ai π 的主要領導人談幾句。

DOE Cup 2022 - 9

[從右到左] Marc Taylor(Ai π UK 機構銷售高級人員)Matthew Porter(機構部門運營主管)和 Phil Muldoon(機構銷售總監)作為球員參加了高爾夫錦標賽。


Ai π 自豪地連續第五年支持愛丁堡公爵杯 (DOE UK 2022)。我們鼓勵組織中的每一位成員在社會責任領域發揮主人翁精神,以在今天產生積極影響。

Ai π 熱衷於對社會產生積極影響,並很高興在未來幾年通過有價值的慈善合作夥伴關係繼續支持當地社區。

2022 年愛丁堡公爵世界杯決賽、皇家頒獎晚宴和 2023 年資格賽於 2022 年 9 月底至 10 月初圓滿結束。請欣賞以下活動的精彩片段。

Details about 2021 UK Qualifying Event​


Prize Giving dinner​

Date: September 29, 2021 (Wednesday)

Venue: The ballroom of Wentworth Golf Club

Wentworth Golf Event 2021​

Date:October 7, 2021 (Thursday)

Venue:Wentworth Golf Club, Surrey, UK

About the venue:Wentworth Golf Club, situated in Virginia Water, Surrey, on the south-western fringes of London, is rated as top 30 courses in England. Since the precursor to the Ryder Cup was played here in 1926, Wentworth Club has been renowned as the home of golfing champions.

International Golf For Youth - 107

Ai π team was introducing the team members to Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex during the prize-giving dinner held in the ballroom of Wentworth Golf Club on 29 September 2021.

International Golf For Youth - 044

Prince Edward, the Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Fabian Raymond Picardo and his wife met with Wei Qiang Zhang, Managing Director of Ai π (UK) at the dinner.

Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex mentioned: "The principal charity associated with the cup is The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award, which creates opportunities for young people to develop skills, get physically active, give service and experience adventure."

Event Highlights

Ai π has sponsored the Duke of Edinburgh Cup for the 4th year. The UK Qualifying Event 2021 was successfully concluded on 7 October 2021 at Wentworth Golf Club, Surrey, UK. Please enjoy highlights from the event below.

Details about The Duke of Edinburgh Cup 2020 - UK Qualifying Event


Date:September 10, 2020 (Wednesday)

Venue:Archerfield Links, Scotland

Event Highlights

As the title sponsor of The Duke of Edinburgh UK Qualifying Event 2020, Ai π supported The Duke of Edinburgh Cup 2020 that took place in Archerfield Links, Scotland on September 10th, 2020. Please enjoy highlights from the event below.

Agenda of the 2019 DOE Cup World Finals

September 29, 2019 Arrival: The Castle Hotel, Windsor
Evening: Welcome dinner at Wentworth Golf Club
September 30, 2019 1st Round of the World Finals at Bearwood Lakes Golf Club followed by lunch
October 1, 2019 2nd Round of the World Finals at West Hill Golf Club followed by lunch
October 3, 2019 Morning: Match at The Royal Household Golf Club in the grounds of Windsor Castle
Evening: Royal Champagne Reception and Prize Giving Dinner in the State Apartments of Windsor Castle



Date:July 5, 2019

Time:08:00 a.m.

Venue:Walton Heath Golf Club
Walton on the Hill, Tadworth, Surrey, KT20 7TP, United Kingdom

About the venue:Walton Heath Golf Club was founded in 1903. Walton’s first Captain, HRH the Prince of Wales, was not appointed until 1935. King Edward VIII became Captain in the following year. The club’s first Professional, James Braid, won five Opens and stayed for some forty-five years. Walton Heath staged the European Open in the seventies and eighties, the Ryder Cup in 1981, the British Ladies Amateur in 2000, and the Senior Open in 2011. Winston Churchill played regularly at Walton Heath.

Event Highlights

As the title sponsor of The Duke of Edinburgh UK Qualifying Event 2019, Ai π fully supported the event at the Walton Heath Golf Club on July 5th, 2019. Please enjoy highlights from the event below.

Agenda of the 2018 DOE Cup World Finals

September 30, 2018 Arrival − The Castle Hotel, Windsor
Evening: Welcome dinner at The Beaumont Estate Hotel
October 1, 2018 1st Round of the World Finals at Bearwood Lakes Golf Club followed by lunch
October 2, 2018 2nd Round of the World Finals at Camberley Heath Golf Club followed by lunch
October 3, 2018 Free day
October 4, 2018 Morning: Match at The Royal Household Golf Club in the grounds of Windsor Castle
October 5, 2018 Evening: Royal Champagne Reception and Prize Giving Dinner in the State Apartments of Windsor Castle

Details of the DOE Cup 2018 - China Qualifying Event


Date:August 30, 2018 (Thursday)

Time:10:00 – 19:30

Venue:Lan Hai International Golf Club, Shanghai

About the venue:Lan Hai International Golf Club, situated on the eastern shore of beautiful Chongming Island, is the first golf course in Asia to be designed by the father-and-son team of the legendary Jack “Golden Bear” Nicklaus and Jack Nicklaus, Jr. The coastline and the primitive island terrain give the golf course stunning natural scenic backdrops.

Event Day: August 30, 2018

  • 10:00dotPlayers Reception
  • 10:30dotTrial Driving / The Brand Tasting / Warm Up
  • 11:30dotLunch
  • 12:10dotKick-off Ceremony
  • 12:30dotTournament
  • 17:00dotPlayers Changing / Pointing for the Result
  • 18:00dotAward Presentation Ceremony

Event Highlights

As the title sponsor of The Duke of Edinburgh Cup China Event 2018, Ai π fully supported the golf tournament and the China event was held on August 30th. Please enjoy highlights from the event below.